

点击:1,214 次  来源:WSP 时间:12-16


Longshan Church is an important project.  A quick image of the Church with 450 steep roof rising above half the long grey stone wall reflects momentarily a sensitive setting of the modest building located on the European landscape.  However, a more careful observation will show a challenging selection of material finishes, excellent detailing and micro-scale articulation as well as the complex interior treatment with unfamiliar proportions. Much of this could possibly be attributed to her subconscious collective memories of works by the early modernist pioneers, and her Chineseness. The asymmetrical location of the clock tower and on the edge of the site away from the church building has provided a clear separation in the reading of the horizontal and the vertical. What does this mean?  Is there a Chinese cultural relevance subconsciously incorporated somewhere yet to be uncovered?  It is in this context that we should examine this project through the lens of Cultural Studies, multi-modernities and contemporariness.


China now


In the last three decades, major cities in China’s Eastern region have experienced unprecedented pace of new construction and massive destruction of the old.  To catch up with the lost decades of aesthetic and architectural theories and practices, the time-compression of modernization and rapid urbanization have resulted in indiscriminate act of imitation everywhere and even with efficiencies but without freedom of mind to innovate creatively. Theorists have lamented this “lost opportunity”.  In the meantime, the younger generation of Chinese architects like Chang Yung-Ho, Wu Gang and others are battling to reinstate the broader aesthetic and visual principles of Modern Architecture. Their modest projects are beginning to have visible impact in the quality of architectural design in the leading local universities, and the progressive creative elements in the Chinese architectural fraternity. 




In the meantime, the coming Olympics in year 2008 have given many opportunities to design and build major projects for sports and recreation in Beijing and elsewhere in China. Two international super-stars, Herzog & de Meuron and Rem Koolhaas are involved in conceptualizing the design of the Olympic Stadium and Central Chinese Television (CCTV) respectively in Beijing.  These two are examples in Asian quest to create instant icons in order to generate tourist revenues and imagery world-class status. Both projects are cutting-edge and important architectural statements, challenging the mainstream established norm. Notwithstanding China has provided the opportunity, their controversial ideas are sited in the West ctivity to include numerous critical contemporary issues such as contesting the universalizing model of Eurocentric modernity.  Presently, we are moving towards the concept of multiple modernities, adopting a pluralistic approach of mutual respect as opposed to the arrogant hierarchical stance of yesteryear.  An inclusive global theory of modernities would take into account the rich diverse cultural essences and varied stages in the development of the non-West.




A pluralistic perception of history is now generally accepted. The modernity of each society must evolve from within its own traditions and culture. In this way, multiple modernities will arise, each one profoundly different from the other. It could consequently broaden our intellectual and analytical framework, as the discourse and applications of modernity in each society must take into account the local contexts and evolve from within its own cultural environment. To quote Taylor, “The future of our world will be one in which all societies will undergo change, in institutions and outlook, and some of these changes may be parallel, but they will not converge, because new differences will emerge from the old”. [1]



Art today


The art community in China today is generating incredible level of creative energy and professional commitments which are further enforced by mutual critical analysis and discourses.  During the last two decades, there is a clear leap in the quality, depth and range of Chinese art productions from fine arts and films to popular culture.  They are firmly anchored in their Chineseness.  Many have received international recognition in recent years.  Similar blossoming of the arts is also happening in other Asian countries and territories.



Contemporariness embraces and celebrates the plurality, heterogeneity and multiplicity of cultures and traditions that have been brought about by the rapid development in ICT, globalization and the rapidly broadening knowledge and connectivity generated by the current multi-disciplinary Cultural Studies. In today’s frenetic pace of life, where the only constant is change, creative adaptation and response are essential. A better appreciation of cross-cultural and pluralistic traditions would heighten our understanding of the vital essences of the everyday world.


Asian A+U


Yet, Asia has great difficulties in establishing our own architecture and urbanism based on our evolving modernity and in defining criticality and celebrating our achievements. Why is this so?


Cultural Studies has now become an essential subject for all students, including those studying architecture and urbanism.  The concept of multiple modernities needs to be clearly understood, and the dependency on Euro-centric modernity discontinued.  Unfortunately, Cultural Studies has not yet been included or taken seriously in the teaching of architecture and urbanism in Asia.   Furthermore, the subject has seldom been given adequate exposure during professional conferences and discourses.


The turbulent conditions of rapid and unprecedented urban growth in China have generated great pressure as well as opportunities for professional practice. Very little time and energy has been allocated to develop critical theories.  This has serious long term implications. To avoid the difficult and painful creative process themselves and as a convenient way out, Western academic and star architects are often invited to present their ideas. This Eurocentric dependency mindset can be illustrated repeatedly in numerous conferences relating to architecture and urbanism as well as the developing directions of Asia’s own criticality in recent years. 

与此同时,我们没有承认通过多镜头文化研究得来的众多关键性的城市规划理论,而在这些理论中,当前现代主义的规划理论的相关性被完全揭穿。Leonie Sandercock[2],Edward Soja[3]等其他学者的著作就是其中一例。我们应该庆祝亚洲充满活力和令人兴奋的新城市主义[4],复杂和混乱就是我们的城市环境质量。实例包括上海[5]、曼谷[6]以及其他亚洲城市,还包括后城市规划模型理论和挑战[7]。

In the meantime, we have failed to acknowledge numerous critical theoretical studies on urbanism through the lens of Cultural Studies, where the relevance of the current Modernist planning theories is totally debunked.  Examples include the writing of Leonie Sandercock,[2]  Edward Soja[3] and many others.  We should celebrate the dynamic and exciting Asian new urbanism[4], where chaos and complexity are qualities of our urban conditions. Examples include Shanghai[5], Bangkok[6]and other Asian cities as well as the theories and challenges of the post-planning model[7].

为了发展我们自身至关重要的能力,我们需要对创作这一艰难过程有更好的理解、创意——包括那些学生的,被拆建的项目,需要被迅速查明、分析和确认。他们共同形成了为以后工作所用的知识和灵感源泉。创意就像蜡烛,有时只出现在短暂一刻。他们不会持续很久,特别是尚未被确认时。龙山教堂恰恰是这样一个项目。它就好像曹敏硕在韩国设计的草莓妹妹主题公园[8](Heyri Dalki Theme Park),以及廖伟立在中国台湾的王公渔港景观桥[9](Wang Gong Footbridge),好的创意常常被遗忘,渐渐消失。在我们进行建筑设计和城市规划的关键性发展阶段,我们必须灌输嵌入当地文化和传统的核心价值观的积极精神,并接受欧洲中心论的模式将出现新分歧的事实。认真开始我们亚洲当前工作的关键时刻正是此时。

To develop our own critical capability, we need a better understanding of the difficult process of creativity.  Creative ideas, including those by students and unbuild projects, need to be quickly identified, analyzed and acknowledged.   Together, they form a pool of knowledge and inspiration for subsequent efforts. Creative ideas are like candles and sometimes appear only in fleeting moments. They do not last long, especially if they are unacknowledged.  The Longshan Church is one such project. There are others in Asia like Minsuk Cho’s Heyri Dalki Theme Park[8]in South Korea and Liao Weili’s Wang Gong Footbridge[9]  in Taiwan. Good ideas often fade away and are forgotten. In the development of criticality in our architecture and urbanism, we must infuse the positive spirits of the core values embedded with local cultures and traditions, and accept that new differences from the Eurocentric formula will emerge. The time to start seriously working on our own Asia contemporary criticality is now.



[1].查尔斯泰勒·蒂利普,Parameshwar Gaonkar(主编)另类现代性的“两大理论的现代性”。(达勒姆:杜克大学出版社,2001)。

[2].详见Leonie Sandercock,走向国际都市,多元文化的城市规划。(Chicester:约翰威利父子,1998年)国际都市II:21世纪的城市。(伦敦,连续,2003年)。

[3].Edward W. Soja,Postmetropolis:城市和地区的批判性研究。 (牛津:布莱克威尔出版社,2000)。

[4].见 William S W Lim,亚洲新城市。 (新加坡:选择书籍,1998年)。

[5].见 William S W Lim,你到过上海么?上海的文化和城市。(新加坡:亚洲城市实验室,2004年)。

[6].见Kevin S K Lim, William S W Lim的“Learning from Bangkok”,亚洲的道德城市化:一个激进的后现代透视。 (新加坡:世界科技出版公司,2005年)。页52-59。

[7].William S W Lim,亚洲城市化“Post-Planning as a Credible Instrument for Asian Ethical Urbanism”:一个激进的后现代视角。 (新加坡:世界科技出版公司,2005年)。页29-36。

[8].详见Ga.a建筑师网站:http://www.gaa-arch.com或电邮massstudies@hotmail.com 联系Minsuk Cho 。

[9].详见“Technology as Art II”2005年对话杂志,页48-55。或联系welly668@ms39.hinet.net。

[1]. Charles Taylor, “Two Theories of Modernity” in Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar (ed.) Alternative Modernities. (Durham: Duke University Press, 2001).

[2]. See Leonie Sandercock, Towards Cosmopolis: Planning for Multicultural Cities. (Chicester: John Wiley & Sons, 1998) and  Cosmopolis II: Mongrel Cities in the 21st Century. (London, Continuum, 2003).

[3].See Edward W. Soja, Postmetropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions. (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2000).

[4]. See William S W Lim, Asian New Urbanism. (Singapore: Select Books, 1998).

[5].See Willliam S. W. Lim.  Have you been Shanghaied? Culture and Urbanism in Glocalized Shanghai.  (Singapore: Asian Urban Lab, 2004).

[6].See Kevin S K Lim, “Learning from Bangkok” in William S W Lim, Asian Ethical Urbanism: A Radical Postmodern Perspective. (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co, 2005). pp. 52-59.

[7]. William S W Lim, “Post-Planning as a Credible Instrument for Asian Ethical Urbanism” in Asian Ethical Urbanism: A Radical Postmodern Perspective. (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co, 2005). pp. 29-36.

[8]. More information can be found on the Ga.a Architects website: < http://www.gaa-arch.com/> or please contact Minsuk Cho at massstudies@hotmail.com.

[9]. More information can be found on Dialogue Magazine 2005, “Technology as Art II”. pp. 48-55.or please contact Weili Liao at welly668@ms39.hinet.net .


林少玮 教授 亚洲建筑师协会主席

毕业于伦敦AA建筑学院和哈佛大学  专业工作涉及建筑、规划和发展经济学

Professor  William S.W Lim  President of AA Asia.

William S W Lim graduated from the Architectural Association (AA) London and Harvard University.

His professional work involved architecture, planning and development economics.

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